Monday, July 02, 2007

While I've been sitting here, this lovely person (who was here to ask about putting her photos up inside) sat down and conversed with me while I perused here photo album. In the end, she gave me one of my choice and asked me to look her up if I ever came back to Nashville (she wanted me to see the arboretum and I told her I didn't have time this trip)

She has a website (for now, as I hear yahoo is dismantling their photo service) here
this is the one I chose:

Sappy as it sounds, it made me think of my wife. The thought process went something like: "I really like this one, Ivy will like it too."
Sentimental, yeah, so what?!?!

Anyway, just another random meeting down here that has somehow impacted my life. I hope she sees this and knows the conversation was appreciated.